Lundahl transformers, 8 super linear, low noise gold pin vacuum tubes and military grade components are the basis for one of the finest professional compressors ever built. Three opto-couplers offer three distinct modes of compression for each channel (EL, LED and Incandescent Lamp). 600 ohm defeatable, XLR In and Out with linkable operation. Features standard VU metering and rapid ballistics magic eye metering. "The strength of the NY-2A is its sound. It is unique and tasty-reminiscent of vintage tube gear." -- Eddie Celetti, Mix Magazine "Combining great Class A design with tremendous tube sound, the NY-2A is a wonderful Compressor." -- Paul Ross, Pro Audio Review "All this adds up to an amazing compressor of the utmost quality. This is what tube compression is all about." -- Joel Hamilton, Tape Op Magazine

source: www.ehx.com